

Simple Mental Creative Test

I don’t think anyone can really determine how creative you are, but there are a couple of tests or games we can try to spark your creativity. The good thing is you don’t have to be a “genius” to take these tests. You also don’t have to be gifted in drawing or writing. I hope you will enjoy the process and maybe try them on you friends.

 Your Life in Six Words

This first one is rather common, but I often go back to it for stimulation. The idea here is to describe your life or life’s history using only six words – the shortest autobiography in the world. You can use any words you like and the combination doesn’t have to make sense. The challenge would be for the combination of words to tell a story. Here’s a chance to be revealing without being revealing! Here is a chance to explore your ability to consider abstract ideas, when combined might make sense.

Here’s an example from me:   Latin vagabond ticklish artist grey roots

If you were given a choice between a life’s career or death within 24 hours, What would it be?

This question is one that I often ponder when I feel like I made the wrong decision in life. It often seems greener when you see others doing things you wish you had done. This exercise will give your brain a chance to explore options quickly. This concept is important when you are looking for an idea. You need to be able to consider options.  If there is a deadline for an assignment I often play games with myself and consider it a life and death situation.  There are no correct answers, only revealing ones. But they do underline the need for you to be able to consider options and deadlines at the same time.

There are other test that have been around for years.

candleKarl Duncker’s Candle Problem- You have a table, a box of tacks , a candle and a book of matches. How do you affix the lit candle to the wall so it will not drip on the table. Try and visualize the whole test.

How many ways can you use a hammer instead of hitting a nail? You only have two minutes. Quick!

Have a friend draw an abstract form on a piece of paper and you complete it. A variation on this game is to alternate making single one directional strokes till an image is formed.


All of this is a great lesson in how to focus on a solution from totally different perspectives.