

Ask your brain a question and let it go to work!

There are lots of gifted people who come up with good ideas time after time.  And there are people who struggle. Those that are gifted have no fears.  They are aware that they can learn something positive from their wrong answers.  For those that doubt the strength of their creativity, the road is longer- but still hopeful.  The trick for the ‘less brave’ is to mentally accumulate the right “stuff” and stockpile a cache of ideas and practices.  I consider it magic how all this stuff comes together to create an idea. However, it takes practice, and with enough repetition you will develop confidence, and ultimately be successful.  It is my contention that the majority of the people who succeed, do so because they have a passion and a large dose of tenacity.

 I have been practicing the art of setting my creativity on fire for many years.  Though my competitive spirit and confidence were of significant help, I discovered that having a process was a clearer path to better ideas and also served as a sort of benchmark as I moved forward.

In this blog, I am going to reveal my process and many different thoughts about it.  I am here to give you inspiration and ideas about how to turn up the fire of your creativity.

 Who’s going to benefit from all this?

In my past, most of the young people I have mentored have chosen a career that requires  them to come up with new ideas, often on the spot, like during a job interview.  It was that experience and their urging that I decided to do this.

Everyone is capable of having good ideas, yet each person’s entry level is different, The need to be creative is not limited to designers, artists, or entrepreneurs. Everyone needs the confidence to step up and express themselves. Companies usually use teams to find creative ideas and that’s fine, but for me, it all starts with the individual.

Most of the young people I have mentored have chosen careers that required them to come up with new ideas, often on the spot, like during a job interview or a brainstorming session. They were able to use the skills I taught them in all sorts of diverse situations. It was at their urging that I decided to write this blog.

What do you have to do to be more creative?

Develop your confidence and share an enthusiasm for your answers.  Be open to inspiration.  Understanding what the creative process is all about.

My version of creative thinking will appear to be very simple at first, but it’s very complex, and riddled with contradictions.  Some of my best ideas were right at my feet and I didn’t see them.  I promise you, that if you understand and develop your own creative process, the path will become fun, you will find it easier to be more focused and you will make you feel more confident. You will learn to love working on an assignment, finding the answers, presenting it with enthusiasm and seeing it working out in the world.  In the end, there is no greater feeling.

This is what will happen.

I am going to tell you about my own experiences with creativity. I going to try and do this weekly to start – keep your fingers crossed. This is a big subject and not linear. I may jump around in order to deal with the contradictions, but in the end,  I hope all the parts will make up the whole.  I am not a professional writer, so please bear with me as I may struggle to get my ideas across.  And please, let me know if I am not being clear.

I hope you will find this a place to have conversations and be inspired.