

How to become a creative genius

I loved Robin Williams. I don’t care what mood I was in, it instantly turned to laughter and happiness once I heard his voice.  His recent death made me stop and think about what the secret ingredient was to thinking creatively on your feet.  Robin was asked many times how do you do it?  He could never answer the question with words, he had to show you how it was done. You quickly figured it out that all he needed was a starting point, a prop, a word, an expression, a suggesting of a personality type or situation. He then added his “B” element, a piece from his enormous brain filled with everything funny and topical.  He had total recall from every walk of life, especially those things that seemed so common to us, but ever so funny if exposed at the right moment. He was capable of absorbing everything around him and making those connections so fast. It was that speed that we marveled at.  Sometimes his comments where so off the wall and I would still laugh.  It was also his maniacal manner. He made creativity look easy.

So, how you do it…?

Fill your brain with life.

Wait for the right suggestion or clearly understand any problem.

Have an instant recall of everything relevant in your brain.

You are able to make numerous connections on call.

Allow failures to keep you focused, to keep you moving.

Make great presentation of solutions that appear to be so simple and right on!

“VOILA”, you’ve become a creative genius.