

How do you improve your creativity?

Answer: Practice.

I once heard a story about a man who asked his Guru “What is the secret to life?” His answer: “breathing”.  There are no secrets here to improving your creativity except to just use it. However, from my point of view, you can help improve your creativity by doing some of the things I have written about here in the first six posts.

As a review, here are my favorite ingredients that hover around me while I work.

  • Record or be a witness to Life’s experiences
  • Embrace all that culture has to offer you from yesterday, today and tomorrow
  • Focus when need you creativity
  • What’s my game plan or methodology?
  • Get rid of your fear of being judged- allow your mind to be a free spirit
  • Ask the question in as many different ways as possible
  • Allow the both the good and bad ideas to appear
  • Have faith that the answer is right at your feet
  • Allow the addiction to experimenting

Everybody works differently or let’s say, they connect with their creativity in unique ways. I think it’s all a matter of the recipe one uses to connect. We all use the same ingredients, but we will put them together in different amounts and configurations. So if you want to improve your creativity, you simple try different recipes till you find one that works for you. Consider approaching creativity in different ways. You will probably need a different approach each time you need your creativity to catch fire. This is also very helpful when you are stuck.

The two ingredients that I rely on the most are my methodologies and approaching my questions from many different angles. For example, I like that my clients are part of the creative process. I give them the job of helping to establish a clear view of the goal or defining the problem. We also work together to determine what the criteria should be for a solution. I make sure that they understand that if it is a question of color or any other aesthetic matter, that it is left for me alone to decide. I then put the decisions into a graphic form so it’s easy for everyone to see and to review. They are very useful when I make my presentations as a reminder of what we all agreed upon. As I worked, these were very helpful in sparking my creativity.


This first one was for a client from Japan who spoke no English and was done before computers.



This second one was more recently done for my bank client.
