

Jay Z and Queen Bey

Creativity was blasting off that stage- a big thumping sound, amazing action packed videos, energy driven lighting, explicit lyrics, sexy dancing and furious rapping.  I had a moment where I felt like I was the one “On the Run”.  I felt like my version of creativity really sucked compared to this experience.  This crowd was loving it- The girls behind me were screaming tirelessly in my ear.  The security guards were doing all they could to hold the people back from rushing the stage.  The artist had them in the palm of their hands, directing them to do this and do that all night.  I was experiencing creativity live!  They did whatever they wanted and were rewarded with comment like  “amazing”.  I won’t use the words that were in front of amazing but you get my drift.  Imagine getting a response like this every time you put your best ideas out there.


No matter where you are with being creative, there is always another level to aspire to, I don’t care how good you are.
